Do you support Python?

Yes, we do. The path to Python is /usr/bin/python .

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I'm getting 'file not found' running my script. What did I do wrong?

Make sure that you have uploaded to the cgi-bin. Make sure that you are trying to access the...

What permissions should I run my Cgi scripts under?

All CGI scripts should be placed in the CGI-BIN and set to chmod 755.

Can I use cURL with my account?

Yes, all of our servers have cURL enabled. The path to cURL is /usr/bin/curl .  

What does the 'premature end of script headers' error mean?

99.9% of the time, this error is caused by either uploading in binary instead of ASCII or by...

What is the path to Perl?

The path to perl is /usr/bin/perl