What is Perl?

Perl stands for 'Practical Extraction and Reporting Language'. Perl is a versatile programming language with a wide variety of uses. For the purposes of this knowledge base, we refer to Perl most often in the context of CGI scripts and web programs that can be written in Perl.

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I'm getting an 'Internal server error' with my cgi script. What gives?

This being a generic error, it could be caused by many things. Here are some of the most common:...

Do you support Python?

Yes, we do. The path to Python is /usr/bin/python .

Can I use cURL with my account?

Yes, all of our servers have cURL enabled. The path to cURL is /usr/bin/curl .  

How do I run my own CGI/perl programs?

Place your CGI programs in the cgi-bin directory. Be sure to upload them in ASCII mode. Make...

What permissions will I need to set my CGI scripts to for them to function properly?

ALL cgi scripts MUST be chmod 755. This does not apply to PHP scripts. Just the scripts you place...